5 steps to a spectacular Instagram account

5 steps to a spectacular Instagram account – words Alexa Wang

Have you ever followed an Instagram account focused on a topic you have no interest in, just because you love their posts?

Do you ever wonder why some accounts become instant hits, while other, similar accounts never find traction? Across industries and interests, whether it’s a business or individual, there are some key commonalities to Instagram accounts that stand-out from the crowd. Here are five ways to curate your own envy-worthy Insta.


1. Figure Out Your Brand

Whether you are creating an Instagram account for your business or as an individual, your first step to a spectacular feed is to figure out your personal brand. What is unique about you? What do you want to communicate with your account? Every successful account has a focus, whether it is fashion, children’s activities, a product, humor, nature, etc. Understanding your own brand will help you figure out your focus. Popular parenting account @busytoddler focuses on easy, educational toddler activities. By honing in on this one facet of parenthood, author Susie has become a go-to place for bedraggled parents looking for ways to keep their little ones entertained. Her brand offers simple-to-follow activity instructions in a relatable, humorous voice.

2. Get on a Schedule

On average, brands post 1.5 times a day. The exact number of posts for you will depend on your followers, but you should post, at minimum, once a day. A study by Tailwind found that when accounts posted seven or more times a week, their following grew by 56 percent and engagement increased almost 130 percent. To help you keep on a consistent posting schedule, you can use a post scheduling app, and schedule your posts for times when the majority of your followers are online. Your goal is to get a bunch of likes and comments right after you post, making the Instagram algorithm recognize it as a quality post and show it to more of your followers. In general, you want to post during lunchtime and evenings.

3. Get Yourself a Look

Instagram is a visual medium, so you want to cultivate a look for your posts. Beautiful, quality images are key. Pick a color palette and try to only post photos that tie into that color scheme. Similarly, select a filter for your photos — do you want crisp, bright photos, or a dreamy, pastel feed? You don’t want to post the same image again and again, but you want your photos to look like part of the same story. Playdoh is a brand account that nails the visual story. The account features bright images and stop-motion animation of Playdoh creations that fit perfectly with the brand.

4. Find Your Voice

While visuals are king on Instagram, your caption game also must be strong. Again, only post captions that fit your brand personality. What is your voice? Are you funny and biting, upbeat and positive, or maybe informative and serious? Whatever you decide, stick to it. You also only want to create captions that tell the story of the photo. The visual will draw your followers in, and your captions will provide the context. Amway US is a brand that supports its great visuals with a consistent voice. Amway’s posts are positive, motivational and informative, promoting its products, but also giving tips on healthy living.

5. Be Consistent

Once you’ve established your theme, your voice, your look and your schedule, your goal is to stick to these parameters. Users should be able to tell a post is from your account without seeing your name, just from the content. You may have a brilliant photograph of two baby ducks with a hilarious caption to go with it, but your Whole 30 food Insta is not the place to post it. Every post from travel photography account @180360, whether it is a gorgeous Italian landscape or a charming French doorway, has author Kim’s signature style and spare, but witty voice, giving her followers serious wanderlust.

With the popularity of Instagram, it is hard to rise about the noise. Defining your brand, posting frequently, cultivating a look and voice and then staying the course will help you create a spectacular Instagram account.



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