Things to keep in mind before adopting a pet

words Al Woods

Nothing is more fulfilling than having a furry buddy to jump on you every day you come from work. If you’re a cat lover, the feeling you get when your feline friend rubs himself against your legs; sneaks into your bed, or when they’re jumping up and down, playing with stuff in your home is just out of this earth.

However, this doesn’t mean that being a pet parent is an easy task. More often than not, you’re responsible for you and your pet’s happiness in the relationship. This is something you probably know if you’re already a pet owner, but for those looking to adopt a pet, it may not be so obvious.

To become a good parent to the furry friend, here are a few things to keep in mind before adopting a pet.

Pet parenting is a huge responsibility

Before bringing a pet home, it’s important to note that the cute little thing will depend on you for almost everything they need in life. From food, shelter, toys, and other basic needs, bringing a pet home is just like adding a new member into your family. Especially dogs, they’ll also depend on you for their happiness. According to the Mike and the folks at, there are various ways you can keep your dog healthy and happy, including feeding him right, getting him playtoys, taking him for walks, and ensuring they get regular exercise. When your dog is healthy and happy, this positive energy will obviously be transferred to you. Before adopting a pet, therefore, it pays to make sure you can meet his needs and keep them happy. If you are planning on adopting a cute Chinchilla you have to consider the Chinchilla behavior, you have to gain a basic understanding of Chinchilla behavior and temperament.

Different pets have different nutritional needs

adopting a pet

The kinds of food that dogs love are not the kinds of food your cat will come running toward. On the same note, different dog breeds will have different nutritional needs, which may also vary with age, size, and activity level. Before adopting that cat or dog, it’s crucial to ensure you’ll be able to supply them with the necessary nutrients and kinds of food that will keep them healthy and satisfied.

If you want to adopt a dog, you need to know the diseases and viruses that can lead to a serious illness that you should avoid to get to your dog. If your fur baby got parvo before, it can be prevented again by being vaccinated. Because, as a fur parent, you don’t want your fur baby to get parvo twice.

Your pet will need occasional trips to the vet

Just like you’re advised to take trips to the doc for medical checkups at least twice a year, your pet also needs occasional visits to the vet for health checks. In addition to this, pets need to be vaccinated to give them an immune boost against a variety of diseases, including rabies, parvovirus, distemper, adenovirus, parainfluenza, and Lyme disease, just to name a few.  It’s upon you to talk to your vet before adopting a pet and find out which vaccines they would need and how frequent your veterinary visits should be. It’s also worth looking into pet insurance.

Time can be a barrier

Now, this one is a no brainer. As mentioned in the first pointer, pet ownership is a responsibility and you owe a duty of care to any pet you bring home. But considering the busy world we live in, not everyone may have enough time to give their pet the amount of care he or she needs. This is why it’s important that before bringing a furry buddy home, you evaluate your time schedule and decide how much time you can set aside for pet care. At times you may need to hire a pet sitter or a dog walker to help keep your pet engaged, happy, and healthy.

Understand their needs for space

adopt a pet

Before adopting an animal friend, it’s paramount to know the amount of space they need and the best location to place them in your home. Regardless of their size, some pets require more space.  It’s thus important to conduct some research beforehand and be sure that your future furry friend’s space requirements and activity needs.

You may have to say goodbye at some point

Dogs, cats and other pets have a lifespan that is shorter than that of humans. Even after doing everything in your power to keep your pet happy and healthy, the harsh truth is that there comes a time when you have to say goodbye to your furry buddy. This is when they’ve lived their life and due to factors such as disease and old age, you have to part ways with them. It can be overly emotional, but it’s good to be prepared for that ill-fated day, especially if you’re so fond of your pet. It’s not easy coping with the loss of a pet, but getting a new pet before your existing one dies can also help make it easier for you when the time of grief comes.

Needless to reiterate, pet ownership is almost the same as parenting. You need to ensure their getting proper nutrition, grooming, and exercise, not forgetting giving them the attention they so much deserve. With the above few things in mind, owning a pet can be less stressful and more enjoyable for both you and your furry buddy.


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