5 Great Ways to Celebrate the End of the School Year

words Alexa Wang

Your children probably won’t need any prompting to celebrate the end of the school year and the start of a summer break.

Every year, kids count down the days until they can forget about homework and studying for a little while and spend some meaningful time with their families. Since your child is probably going to have a lot of excitement built up, why not make the most of their extra energy and throw a party?

A party is a great way to get your kids ready for some fun and ensure that you have a chance to talk to the parents of friends about any plans you have over the week ahead. Plus, it’s a way for you to relax and unwind before the headache of having your kids around constantly begins. Here are some great ideas to get started.

School Year

1.    Give a Gift that Keeps Kids Busy

You don’t need to give your children a gift when you’re throwing a party for the end of the school year. However, you might decide that you want to reward them for trying so hard throughout their term and earning good grades on their tests. If that’s the case, try and choose a present that’s going to keep your kids busy.

A new game or an activity that they can entertain themselves with when their friends aren’t available, and you don’t have anything planned will save you a lot of headaches. Just make sure that the activity you’re giving your child is something that they can use on their own.

2.    Choose the Right Theme

A good theme can transform any party into something truly special. One option could be to host a rebellious “no more school” party where you take a unique approach to say farewell to the year. You could have a book-shaped pinata, and caramel apples instead of your standard red apple sitting on a teacher’s desk.

Another option is to have a summer or beach themed party. The sunnier days of the year will be on the way soon, and that means that there are plenty of beach and picnic trips to look forward to. Why not celebrate that fact with a party that’s all about those days in the sun?

kids celebration

3.    Explore Memories and Wishes

A good way to say goodbye to the year and prepare your kids for a coming new year at the same time is with a memories and wishes activity. Start by asking your kids to write down some of the things that they liked most about their time at school this year and share them with everyone else. You can also have a “wishes” presentation, where your kids discuss what they’d like to accomplish next year.

This is a good chance to get everyone talking about the benefits of school, so you can boost your kids chances of feeling confident about the year ahead. At the same time, it’s a good insight into the kind of things your kids enjoy most. This might give you some inspiration on ways to keep the family busy!

4.    Make a Summer Bucket List

Another fun way to keep kids entertained at your end of year party is with a bucket list. Ask your youngsters to write a list of all the things that they would like to do during their holidays. Ask them to be realistic about this, as you might be able to tick off some of the things that they want to accomplish that way.

The bucket list that your kid creates can go up on your fridge, and give you an excellent source of inspiration whenever your children come to you complaining that you’re bored. If you want to make sure that all of the activities are achievable, you can give your kids some guidelines to follow, like the activity needs to be free, or local.

5.    Relax and Refresh

Finally, if you want to let your kids have a chance to finally relax after a long school year, why not make them feel extra special with a spa day? You can design your own spa experience at home if you’re low on cash, complete with bath towels and facemasks. You might even set up a relaxing playlist for everyone to chill out to.

If you have some extra cash going, then take your kids to a local spa. Most will offer deals on “mommy and child” sessions, so you can get your nails done at the same time as your daughter!


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