How To Choose The Right Glasses For The Shape Of Your Face

words Alexa Wang

Choosing the right glasses for your face is a must, not only do you want something that fits and looks good on you but also some type of style or shape that suits your face. If you like to wear sunglasses then there is probably nothing more important than making sure they look good and fit you perfectly. Below are tips to help you choose the right pairs.

glasses for face

Find Out The Shape Of Your Face

Many people are unaware that their face shape can actually determine what glasses look best on them. If you are shopping for wholesale sunglasses, reading glasses & displays from Shark Eyes you have to consider the shape of your face. To find out what shape of a face you have, just determine how your eyes are shaped in relation to the rest of your features.

While it may be frustrating to try on several pairs of glasses before finding the right ones for you, this process can save you money by preventing returns and exchanges for a different style. Once that’s done, it will be much easier to find the glasses that suit you.

Rectangular Shaped Face

The rectangular or square-shaped face seems perfect for just about any frame style. The trick is to pick a pair that doesn’t overpower the face but complements it instead. Typically, men with this facial shape can wear anything from standard rectangle glasses to larger metal styles to sleek titanium frames. All of these shapes would be appropriate choices because they would all provide a very balanced look to the face.

Various designer eyeglasses frames are available online or in stores for you to choose from. Not only that, you can also check out the latest trends in eyewear and pick a pair that suits your style and personality.

Eyeglasses that add balance and complement your facial structure can be defined by their vertical proportions, not necessarily their length. In other words, the key factor is how thick or thin your glasses are from top to bottom rather than from side to side. The goal for men with rectangular-shaped faces is to wear glasses that are about half as wide as the face is from temple to temple. In other words, the width of your glasses should be equal to one and a half times the length of your face.

Square Shaped Face 

The most flattering frames for square-shaped faces are round or oval in shape. Avoid rimless eyeglasses, which can accentuate this facial feature even more and make your face appear wider. Frames with a slightly curved front can be very flattering too. Do not select oversized glasses, which will also broaden the jawline and chin.

Eyeglasses for square-shaped faces should have an almost circular shape that is not too wide or deep which would emphasize the width of the face. Full or cat-eye-shaped glasses can look good on square faces because they balance out the angular features and soften them a bit, but you should avoid this style if your face is very angular and small. Avoid thick heavy frames; choose lightweight wireframes instead.

Oval Shaped Faces

The best eyeglasses for oval-shaped faces are the ones that add width to your face. Look for frames with a strong curve, both on the top and on the bottom. Rimless eyeglasses will make your face look thinner, so you should avoid them if that is not what you want.

Trendy eyeglasses for oval-shaped faces should be wider at the bottom and add width to the face. Look for full-frame styles with curved fronts like cat-eyes or round shapes, which will make your face appear wider. Avoid rimless glasses and very thin frames because they will accentuate the length of the face even more.

glasses face

Heart-Shaped Faces

If you have a heart-shaped face, choose eyeglasses that will help soften your features. Look for frames with a low or curved bridge, which will make your face look more rounded and balance out the angular jawline. Rimless glasses are not recommended because they can accentuate this facial feature even more.

Trendy eyeglasses for heart-shaped faces should have an extra-wide frame on the bottom to balance out the angular jawline. Rimless eyeglasses are not recommended because they can make your face look wider. Look for cat-eye-shaped glasses or half-rimmed styles, which will make your features softer and more accentuated.

Triangular Shaped Faces

If you have a triangular face, choose eyeglasses that will balance it out and add width to your forehead and chin. Frames in a light color can also help since dark colors tend to make the lower part of the face appear heavier. Look for glasses with rectangular or oval lenses, which are more balanced than round shapes.

Trendy eyeglasses for triangular-shaped faces should have an enlarged bottom part to balance out the angular jawline. Round or rimless glasses are not recommended because they will make your lower face appear wider. Look for half-rimmed styles in an oval shape to minimize sharp angles on this type of facial structure.

Round Shaped Faces

If you have a round-shaped face, choose eyeglasses that will lengthen your face a bit. Frame shapes that are angular and more narrow look good on this type of face shape. You can also wear larger frame sizes, but avoid rimless styles because they tend to make the head appear bigger.

The best eyeglasses for round-shaped faces should have an angular rather than round shape. Look for narrow cat-eye shapes, which will lengthen the face and make it appear more oval, or try strong rectangular styles that are slightly wider at the bottom. Full or half-frame styles are also good options.

The shape of the face affects not only the appearance of eyeglasses but also how they sit on your face. A well-chosen pair can accentuate your best features and minimize flaws, while a poorly chosen pair can do just the opposite. When choosing eyeglasses, keep in mind that different face shapes require different styles and it is important to know which style will look best on you. If you are not sure what face shape you have, ask an expert to help you figure out your face type before choosing the right eyeglasses for you.


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