Choosing quality jewellers – The dos and don’ts

words Al Woods

If you choose to buy an expensive piece of dazzling jewellery, you are making an investment. And although you can buy them from any jewellery store around the world, you should consider getting your piece from reliable and professional jewellers such as DC Jewellery in Hatton Gardens.

This is to ensure that you are getting your piece from a person that you can trust and as a result, you will be able to enjoy wearing it for many years to come. Therefore, it is important to go for a jeweller who has a high reputation in providing high quality products to clients. Below, we will look at the main features to consider when looking for a professional jeweller.

Choosing quality jewellers


One of the things that you should consider when looking for a jeweller is whether they are a member of a professional organization. You should ensure that the jeweller is registered as a qualified jeweller in the UK and this will help in determining whether you will find quality service from them. Such organizations in the UK teach members about the general code of conduct when dealing in jewellery. This shows that they have high social, environmental and professional standards. With that, you can be assured of receiving a service that is above board.

Good reputation

When looking for a jeweller, you are establishing a relationship that will last for a very long time. The jeweller will play a significant role in the most important events of your life. Therefore, it is important to find a highly reputed jeweller who will provide you with good service. In so doing, you should look at the number of years that the jeweller has been in operation. Most jewellery stores are a family owned business and have been running for many years. The businesses support their clients and are passionate about the relationships that they establish.

Highly experienced staff

One of the golden rules in jewel ownership is never to entrust your expensive pieces on the hands of untrained personnel. Therefore, it is important to check for certifications and experiences that the personnel have in jewellery. If the persons are highly certified in offering jewellery services, they are more likely to give you high quality work.

quality jewellers

Believe in their products

If you want to find a good jeweller, consider the ones that offer warranties and return policies. If the sellers do not believe in their products, they will not be willing to offer return policies. It is worth going for professional jewellers because they value customer relationships and thus offer great products, repairs and custom design on different jewellery products. With return policies and warranties, you will have confidence shopping at the stores. 


Be cautious of jewellery stores that promise insane discounts to clients. There are stores that claim to offer up to 40% discount on some jewellery, but when you check elsewhere, you find that it is the actual price of the pieces. The best jewellers have standard prices all year round.


Above, we have outlined the tips to follow when looking for quality jewellers. This is to ensure that you end up with quality products that will last for a long time.


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