words Alexa Wang

Human consciousness is plagued by many things, the worst of which is anxiety. We worry about everything –– money, relationships, success, and so much more. But one thing we worry about the most is the future – that daunting notion that tomorrow something unexpected might happen. That fear of the unknown has stressed millions of people over the years, and it will probably continue to do so until the end of time.
While you cannot really predict the future or know what’s in store for you in the years to come, you can prepare for it. You need to take steps to ensure that tomorrow will turn out to be as you planned, if not better. These are some decisions that you can make now that will significantly benefit your future.
Always be Honest
While advising someone to be honest sounds like a generic thing to say, it is more important –– and challenging –– than most people think. When you start your work life, you often find that things are not as you have imagined. There are always hard feelings and backstabbing, and it’s this that you need to be aware of. You should never compromise your integrity for the sake of getting ahead at work. Success can always come, but if you sacrifice your integrity, there is no going back. So, make sure your personal values and beliefs drive your every action. You will be a much better person for it in the future, and success will come to you because you were honest and decent.
Cover All Your Bases
You never know what tomorrow will bring, which is the source of anxiety we talked about earlier. Yet, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t prepare for the worst. That way, if that should come to happen, you will have a plan to recover and get back on your feet. One of the best ways to do that, as recommended by the insurance experts at SimpleCare, is to take out health insurance plans if you are traveling or relocating. The last thing you need is to be stranded in a foreign country, sick or injured, with no access to proper medical care. International health insurance plans are ideal for such situations, and they are even more important if you are relocating. Becoming an expat is quite stressful on its own, and having to worry about medical bills if you got sick is something you don’t really need.
This applies to other insurance policies, not just covering your health. You should also get auto insurance coverage for your car, because accidents happen quite often on the road, no matter how safely you drive. The same applies to homeowner’s insurance, to cover you in case of fire or theft.
Aim High
Life can often be frustrating, and it is easy to settle for what you get. But that is the worst thing you could do for your future. Always aim high; it is your duty to expect more out of life because only then will you achieve it. If you want to reach your goals, you have to dream big, which is something that all successful people do –– and it works. Never settle for what you get, and keep working on achieving your dreams. That way, even if you don’t reach your goals in the future, you will not be plagued by the most dangerous question of all, “what if I had tried harder?”
Surround Yourself by Successful People

One of the best decisions you could make for your future is to surround yourself with successful and motivated people. They will not only inspire you, but it will also challenge you. You’d be surprised how much your company can affect your future. You stand to be much more successful if you hang out with people who work on their goals and never rest until they achieve them, rather than your friend who hangs out at their parents’ house all day and wakes up only to go to the bar.
Have Faith in Your Abilities
At the risk of sounding like a self-development book, you really need to believe in yourself. Your future is what you make it to be, and how you see yourself years down the line is probably what you will be. So, have faith in your abilities and never let anyone tell you that you cannot make it. You can, only if you believe in that.
Perhaps the most important decision you could ever make for the sake of your future is to be consistent. None of those decisions mentioned earlier really matters if you do it for a few months and then quit. You have to be persistent and consistent in your approach because that ultimately leads to success.