Know the difference between normal and excessive anxiety

words Al Woods

Anxiety disorder is mostly defined as a psychological problem that affects the sufferer mentally and physically. In medical science, no blood test, ultrasound, X-ray or any other kind of test can diagnose the problem of anxiety disorder. Anxiety can only be diagnosed in a person after identifying its symptoms.

Anxiety can be classified into two stages. The first one is known as the mild stage of anxiety which is normal in every human being. The second stage of anxiety is known as the severe stage of anxiety which is the most excessive and alarming stage. Anxiety in its severe stage normally causes panic attacks.

The normal level of anxiety stays with the person all day and is also considered as good anxiety. It keeps the person active and motivated towards the achievement of his goals. For example, any person can feel anxious when he becomes late for a meeting, take little stress to become more productive, working few more hours to become the best employee, and students taking stress to get better grades. Such a normal level of stress also keeps the person protected from unexpected worse events. On the other hand, a severe anxiety disorder can be the real enemy for the sufferer. It is times when anxiety starts hurting the person rather than helping him. This type of anxiety is normally hard to control and the sufferer even can’t resist it and ends up having panic attacks. To overcome excessive anxiety disorder, prescription medication and natural treatment methods are used. The most widely used medication is available online by typing just one keyword diazepam online. For this, you have to first identify the symptoms of anxiety disorder.

Identifying the symptoms of anxiety disorder

It is important to consider the changing levels of your anxiety before it becomes severe. There are several different levels of anxiety which can clarify its intensity and severity. These levels can be used to evaluate anxiety disorder and mark it as reasonable and unreasonable according to its intensity. You can perform this activity by asking simple questions to yourself such as

  • Is anxiety affecting my performance at school or at work?
  • Is anxiety affecting my relationships?
  • Am I facing the problem of a lack of concentration?
  • Am I avoiding social gatherings or events?
  • How frequently I feel worried, feared or stressed?
  • Am I facing the problem of sleeping disorders?

Answering these questions is very important in order to identify the symptoms of an anxiety disorder. If you feel confused or unable to answer any question then you definitely need to consult with your doctor. Try to overcome the symptoms of anxiety disorder before it starts impacting your life.

How to overcome anxiety

After identifying the symptoms of anxiety disorder, the next step is to cure it. If you feel difficulty in finding a solution for treating anxiety disorder than consult with your doctor immediately. A psychiatrist, psychologist, social worker, or counselor can help you in classifying the type of anxiety disorder you are suffering from. Clinics mostly use diagnostic criteria to identify whether your anxiety is mild or excessive. These diagnostic criteria mainly examine what types of symptoms you experience, how frequently they appear, how long they last, how persistent your anxiety is, and how it is affecting your life on a daily basis. This is the basic yardstick which helps the doctor in identifying the category of your anxiety disorder. Prescription medication and other treatment methods are based on the category of anxiety disorder. For both mild and excessive anxiety disorder, different techniques of treatment are used.

Difficulty in diagnosing Anxiety Disorder

It is not an easy job to diagnose an anxiety disorder. Sometimes anxiety symptoms overlap each other in such a way that it becomes hard to identify the main problem. Some people might mix specific phobias with Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). It is normal that one person can suffer from different types of anxiety disorder. Identifying anxiety disorder though its symptoms can be tricky sometimes as anyone can show different symptoms at a time but all those symptoms don’t meet the criteria for diagnosing the problem. In such a scenario, the person is suffering from a sub-threshold anxiety disorder. 

This doesn’t mean that if you are suffering from low-grade anxiety or have a sub-threshold anxiety disorder, you should take it lightly and don’t bother to treat it. For practical reasons, it is important to consider all types of anxiety harmful to your mind and body. Your doctor will help you in this regard and will narrow down the symptoms for identifying the exact problem. 

Next step towards treatment

It is very important to plan out the whole treatment procedure before starting it. Your doctor or mental health provider will help in finding the exact path which will lead to an effective recovery. It mainly depends upon the nature and extent of your anxiety which will help in choosing the best combination of treatment. Mostly combining medication with natural treatment methods are used to treat excessive anxiety disorder. For mild cases of anxiety disorder, the following strategies are mostly applied.

  • Adopting a routine of daily exercise.
  • Applying relaxation strategies on a regular basis.
  • Learning more about anxiety through online courses or from smartphone apps. This will enhance your knowledge about anxiety and teach you exercises that will be used to reduce anxiety.
  • Attending sessions of talk therapies to overcome anxiety disorder.   
  • Performing meditation like cognitive behavioral therapy can be used to alleviate the symptoms of anxiety disorder.

The problem of anxiety disorder can vary from person to person which means that one treatment method may not be effective for another person. So, to choose an effective treatment method, the sufferer needs to try a few methods before relying on a suitable one. Severe cases of anxiety disorder are hard to tackle through natural treatment methods. To overcome excessive anxiety disorder, medication is mostly prescribed by doctors. With the help of medication, the patient can get immediate relief and can also save himself from the possible panic attack.

Is it safe to use medication?

Medications are considered to be an effective way of treating anxiety disorder. However, misuse or excessive use of medication can cause side-effects. The anti-anxiety medication has addictive properties so it is very important to take the dosage of these medications as directed by the doctors. Your doctor will adjust your dosage after analyzing your medical condition. In case of any side-effect, immediately consult with your doctor or visit the hospital emergency services.

The purpose of giving medication is to prevent panic attacks and to provide quick relief to the patient of anxiety disorder. To avoid any side-effect, never increase or decrease the dosage of your medication. Always consult with your doctor before stopping, increasing or decreasing the dosage of the prescribed medication. Keep the medication in a safe place, where others can’t get it. It is illegal to give or sell your anti-anxiety medication to other people.

Most of the anti-anxiety medication is capable of treating mild to severe anxiety disorders. In case, when you are not getting the desired results from the medication, inform your doctor to replace your medication or advise you any other treatment method. Anxiety is just a psychological problem that can be cured by timely and effective treatment. So, never lose hope if you are suffering from anxiety disorder and fight until you conquer your problem of anxiety disorder.      


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