Do You Need a Vpn at Home? Here Are 7 Reasons You Might

words Alexa Wang

We are used to feeling safe at home, even internet-wise. A home network equals a secure network in our minds. Internet service providers do not cease to convince us of reliable traffic protection. What’s more, internet banking resources and marketplaces are equipped with the latest antivirus protection. Each user has an antivirus with at least a minimal set of features. And, of course, their firewalls are functioning reliably. 

It would seem that everything is protected. But, unfortunately, that is not the reality. And if you are often asking yourself: “Do I need a VPN at home?” – this article will lay out some reasons for you to consider.

Vpn at Home

1. Withhold Private Data From Your ISP

Plans, prices, speeds, maybe some history. You may not be aware that your internet service provider knows a thing or two about you as well. For example:

  • Your browser history
  • Which sites you visit and how often
  • How much time you spend on websites
  • What you’ve been searching for lately

This private information can be sold to third parties like marketers and authorities. Stop your ISP from collecting your data with a trusted VPN for home use through

2. Secure Access When Using a Shared Wi-Fi Network

Real estate agents typically offer shared Wi-Fi as a bonus, as it’s one less thing to worry about while moving. But the connection to a shared unprotected Wi-Fi is at least a bit controversial. It is not that different from connecting to Wi-Fi in a cafe or public library. There is little chance that you know and trust everyone in the apartment building, including the landlord. 

A VPN masks the actual IP address and substitutes it with a virtual one. Virtual IPs are not tethered to particular physical network interfaces. Using a VPN at home is an excellent way to secure yourself on a building’s network.

3. Hide Your Browsing History From Prying Eyes

Sharing an internet connection may be as intimate as sharing food or even a bed. Setting a password for your home wireless network will give you some level of protection from the neighbors. But family members, friends, and guests of the house who know the password can peek into your browser history. A VPN encrypts your requests, as well as incoming and outgoing traffic, to prevent that.

4. Protect Your Sensitive Data

It’s not just privacy that’s at stake. Logging into your social networks can result in somebody stealing your identity. Online shopping or investing via an online stock broker can lead to the theft of your money. Using a VPN at home will significantly minimize that risk. A VPN encrypts all personal information the user types into online forms, including usernames, passwords, and bank accounts.

5. Give Hackers Some Trouble

The Identity Theft Resource Center (ITCR) announced that the number of data breaches in 2021 beat the record of 2017 by 23%. There were 1,862 data breaches last year, which was 68% higher than in 2020. The number of people whose data was compromised more than once a year is still soaring high.

These alarming statistics leave internet users no choice but to evolve accordingly. Protecting personal information online needs to become a habit everyone should pick up.

How exactly does a VPN take care of our privacy? It opens an encrypted tunnel on the device. As a result, internet traffic is traveling the web inside that tunnel all the way to a VPN server. So, no one can hack into private data while they are encrypted. And no one can associate the user with their traffic because a VPN server substitutes a source of confidential data for the external World Wide Web.

6. Work Remotely Safer

After the COVID-19 pandemic, working remotely from the comfort of your own home has become the new normal within many industries. Of course, it is in the best interest of employers to provide their staff with a corporate VPN to access a business network.

Having business information leaked is quite costly. According to IBM, working from home has increased the average cost of a data breach by $137,000. With this, everyone can spare themselves and their employers the trouble by using a VPN at home. 

7. Get Access to Geo-Blocked Sites and Services

Last but not least, anyone can have more fun with a home VPN. Choose a different location to get access to websites that are blocked in your country. See what shows and movies are available in the UK, Australia, or any other country of interest on your favorite streaming platform. With a VPN, everyone can experience cultures while sitting comfortably on the couch.


No matter what you are up to — work, pleasure, errands, investing, paying bills, or scrolling through social media — a VPN for home use will come in handy to protect you on the Internet.


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