6 Essential Tools for Quality Hair Styling

words Alexa Wang

Whether it’s curly, straight, short, or long, you’ve probably gathered a real arsenal of tools for your hair over the years, but how many of them do you actually use? We can bet you’ve got cables wrapped around hair tools that you haven’t used for years.

So, what are the essentials? We’ve spoken to experts, hairdressers, and more to break down the six most essential tools for quality hair styling at home. If you’re over-stocked, underprepared, or simply need an upgrade, read on to learn everything you need to know about the six essential hair styling tools.

Hair Styling

Hair Brush

Now, this may seem unbelievably simple, but hear us out. A really good-quality hairbrush is essential for everyday styling and maintenance of your hair. We’ve all had knots and kinks in our hair that we need to sort out, and doing so with anything other than a decent hairbrush is only going to do you more damage. A hairbrush should be firm but gentle on the hair, as you don’t want to cause more damage or create split ends by pulling something nasty through your hair. Keep your hairbrush clean, as well, so you aren’t simply spreading oils and dirt through your hair every morning. Brushing aids keeping your hair clean and healthy and is the tool you will use most of all, so a great quality hairbrush is absolutely top of this list.


You may not be a regular straightener of your hair, but let us talk to those that are. In fact, even if you use hair straighteners sparingly, you should still own a quality set. As the experts over at Instraight.com say, “With this handy tool, you no longer need to worry about your hair salon appointments, you can pretty much fulfill your styling needs with this versatile tool at the comfort of your own home.” And they are right! 

The great thing about a hair straightener is you can achieve so many effects and styles without ever having to leave your home or pay big money to a stylist. Get your hands on a top-quality straightener as they will be more gentle on your hair and give you so many more options when it comes to styling.


Now, this is an item that most of us have in our homes, whatever our hair length. Hairdryers are an essential tool for many. Leaving your hair to naturally dry can definitely give a nice effect, but using a dryer can prove more versatile and a lot faster. You should purchase a dryer with multiple heats and power settings. This both gives you more flexibility when it comes to speed and style, but also allows you to be more gentle on your hair if you have more time to dry on a lower setting. Again, we are trying to give you the tools to make your hair beautiful, as well as keeping it healthy.

Styling tools


This might come as a surprise to many, but a razor can come in extremely useful whatever style your hair may be. Whether it’s trimming some rogue baby hairs or neatening up an undercut, a set of clippers can go a long way and can be very low cost. You may think this is not a necessary item, but once you have used it and seen the benefits, we guarantee you’ll be thanking us!

Hair Grips

Hair clips, grips, and ties all aid in both styling and looking after your hair. When drying or straightening, you can clip up layers of hair and target lower layers first. When wearing your hair up, you can hold it with gentle, scalp-friendly grips to keep your hair and head healthy. Go for a range of large, small, strong, and flexible tools here, giving you the most flexibility when it comes to styling and taming your hair.

Sharp Scissors

Imagine going to the hairdresser and finding them using blunt kitchen scissors on your hair, you’d be terrified for the mess that could follow. So, why is it then that so many of us use home scissors on our own hair in a hurry? If you notice some split ends or rogue hairs, you probably want to give them a quick trim. So purchase yourself a pair of salon-quality scissors to make sure you are keeping your trimmed ends healthy!

So, there we have our 6 top tools that you must have in your hair styling draw! Get your hands on these, and your hair will thank you. Get your daily flexible hairstyling routine perfect using these tools, and keep your hair feeling fresh and healthy.


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