Are you an everyday hero or a drive-on byer?

Are you an everyday hero or a drive-on byer? – words Al Woods

What kind of driver are you? Most of us like to think of ourselves as sharing caring kinds of people but when it comes down to it – do we walk the walk or just talk the talk?

I like to think I’m a considerate driver, that I’d stop to help someone out if they were in need  – if I saw a broken-down motorist for instance trying to flag down help.


But if it was cold and wet and I was tired and wanting to get home would I really just drive past and convince myself that the breakdown recovery service would be on their way, plus I’m not a mechanic so my help would be useless anyway. Some people are diffrent though. They just act selflessly – they don’t have to think about it.

A new quiz created by the RAC aims to show us the type of driver we really are. It reveals to us our real driving habits – good and bad. Are you an everyday hero or drive-on byer? The quiz is quite revealing and it might surprise you which type you turn out to be.

Everyday Hero

You don’t wait for others to act. You act unflinchingly. Whether it’s’ snow, ice or rain you hit the tarmac to do your bit. You’re the real champion of the roadside: a modern-day white knight, saving the day for the broken-down and stranded. If only there were more drivers like you…

Reserved Rescuer

You think about helping. You’d really like to do it and you know you should (I have to admit this sounds a lot like me). In an emergency, you’ll step into some hero boots – but you’d rather stay safely behind the wheel. After all, you do have a life to lead.

Drive-on Byer

Now we all know this type and some of you might even admit this is you. You’re the King or Queen of the road as you drive so forthright towards your destination. You cruise down the road and don’t care for interruptions. You’d rather drive on by than help road users in dire straits. In your car, time behind the wheel is about looking after Number One.

Now it’s your turn. It’s your chace to find out what makes you tick as a driver. Will you be the driver you imagine yourself to be?


Brought to you by RAC


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