This is a great pop track from Everything Everything with bitter sweet lyrics and a chorus that will drill into your head and tickle your brain cells.
I love pop when it’s done like this. Slightly skewed, infectious as hell, with melodies you can sing along to.
The video is a bit of a belter too. Again no playing it safe here – it was actually directed by frontman Jonathan Higgs who takes us on a trip into the mad and slightly disarming world of the cult. We see a tribe of followers who worship their leader. They are overcome with emotion as they give in to the power of their leader.
As Higgs himself puts it:
“The video for ‘Regret’ is a display of power; a charlatan and his followers descend into madness and chaos. I wanted to show people in the throes of ecstasy and pain, finding something strong in their faith, and becoming more and more extreme in their emotions and behaviour.”
It’s a bold move and visually stunning. The lyrics about regret rattle in our heads as the cult work themselves up into a frenzy.
This Everything Everything release is followed by a tour of the UK for November. For full details go to