House of Hackney – London fashion house creating empires

Designers, House of Hackney are heading into the London fashion world creating empires with their new Spring Summer 2013 collections. by Becky Murphy Bates

Hackney Empire and Dalston Rose are the two newest collections from the London based and inspired House of Hackney. Starting out as a luxury home furnishings brand, House of Hackney set up camp in busy East London – an area notorious for successful beginnings with names as big as Jimmy Choo holding roots here.

Inspired by their surroundings, the Victorian architecture that typifies Hackney and its environs is proudly on show in their products. Wallpaper, bed linen, cushions, lighting, furniture and curtains are just some of the categories featured across the huge House of Hackney catalogue. But this Spring/Summer, it is the luxury London fashion collections, Hackney Empire and Dalston Rose that are set to steal the lime light.

Starting with Hackney Empire, the collection flaunts the huge SS13 trend of bold, monochrome stripes. In a successful attempt to put their own stamp on the trend, House of Hackney have incorporated an inspired “carnival of animals” natural coloured print, drawing attention to their continued support of the Woodland Trust and making these bold stripes stand out from the crowd.

The matching blouses and tailored trousers make it easy to piece together a statement look whilst hitting this year’s Spring Summer trends right on the head. And by using mainly silk and chiffon throughout the collection, the Hackney Empire range can definitely be described as an affordable luxury. You can be sure that you’ll get years of wear out of these long lasting, high quality garments.

Opting for a softer look, House of Hackney chose to focus on the trend of dip-dying for the Dalston Rose themed pieces in the collection. Featuring pastel greys, cream, and navy colours, the shades sweep from a lighter colour at the neck, down to darker at the hem. Dalston Rose incorporates a classically, sweet rose print for added effect and also nails another one of this season’s hottest trends – the floral print with another nod to House of Hackney’s love of nature.

Both Dalston Rose and Hackney Empire offer up intricately detailed, and eye catching designs on trousers, blouses, dresses, tops and even the odd jacket.. Everything you will need to fill out your Spring Summer 13 wardrobe with classic British styles.

The House of Hackney Spring Summer 2013 fashion collections are available at

by Becky Murphy-Bates


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