Simple ways to improve your health and fitness

words Alexa Wang

Whether you’re busy with a full time job, drowned in school or university work, or simply have a hectic schedule, fitting in the time to stay fit and healthy isn’t always realistic.

If you’ve lost all motivation and given up on your ‘new year, new me’ resolutions, don’t worry – we’ve got you covered! Improve your health and fitness today with these easy tips.

Be mindful of your eating habits 

A big part of staying healthy lies in the things we eat and drink. While it’s not exactly necessary to restrict yourself to an all raw vegan diet or starving yourself on ‘skinny tea’, eating well is really important when it comes to health. If you’re prone to impulse snacking on biscuits or crisps throughout the work day, try taking fruit or a healthier alternative with you to the office. Simple things like limiting sugary food or finding a healthier alternative to your usual 4 cups of coffee are incredibly easy ways to feel better, without having to change your diet too drastically. 

Take up an active new hobby 

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need to go full gym bunny to keep fit. For those that dread the idea of running on a treadmill, consider taking up a new hobby or joining a class that’s fun but also helps you stay active. A great example of this is with a dance class, with styles such as salsa and swing dance being perfect if you want to work up a sweat, and ballet being great for flexibility and strength. Heading to a dance class need not be as expensive as you’d think, as there are plenty of stores where you can buy affordable adult dancewear online. If dancing isn’t your thing either, try out a sport like tennis or football, and look for outdoor obstacle courses or mud runs – it might not be easy, but perfect if you’re after a bit of a challenge! 

Get more sleep

Everyone knows the importance of a good night’s sleep, but you may not realise just how crucial sleep is in regards to staying healthy. Studies have shown that a lack of sleep can leave you at risk of serious health problems like heart disease, diabetes and obesity. In one particular study, researchers asked six healthy young adults to sleep for only 4 hours a night for 6 nights. They found that the glucose tolerance of the subjects was 40 percent lower than the average, and much more typical of older adults that are at risk of diabetes. If you’re not getting your 7 – 9 hours a night, consider factoring in lifestyle changes that make this happen, such as going to bed earlier or listening to guided meditations to help you drift off more quickly and easily.

Track your steps

Those of us with a competitive streak will find this the easiest tip of all. Tracking your steps is a great way to encourage yourself to walk more often, setting a target to stick to (or beat) each day. Walk at every chance you get – on lunch breaks, to and from the supermarket, or treat your dog to an extra long walk!


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