Is luxury travel actually worth it?

Is luxury travel actually worth it? – words Alexa Wang

Travel is the quintessential cornerstone of modern leisure. It is one of the few events that can spark joy, learning, and even envy, to any person who has a mind to do so. Most of us normal folk have an allotted few days or weeks to go out and see whatever it is we set out to see.

With that, it comes as no surprise that the details of this precious time ought to be perfect. If not, at the very least, a relaxing and engaging experience. So why would one scrimp on potential memories? Travel in and of itself is a luxury to the vast majority of us. And with a few minor tweaks along with a keen sense of what one wants, you can have the trip of a lifetime.

luxury travel

“Location, Location, Location”

Flying to Tokyo and staying at the Four Seasons may be a brag-worthy endeavor. But unless that’s your primary objective, it serves no other purpose than an impressive geotag on social media. One travels to get away from the hustle and bustle of daily life. And although the main destinations like Paris, Hong Kong, and Sydney are beautiful, you can get a much better bang for your buck by going to lesser known yet highly recommended places. Athens, Greece has an amazingly affordable lifestyle with all the glamour a three-thousand year old city has to offer. Siargao, Philippines, a breathtakingly beautiful surf town, has the warmth charm of Maui for pennies on the dollar. There’s no end to the places one can choose beyond what is traditionally seen as an enviable travel destination. Better yet, there are websites that offer up to date rates in real time so you can be sure to have the perfect 5-star stay no matter where you decide to go.

Travel In Style

A much overlooked aspect of travel is how to get from point A to point B. More often than not, like ice at a party, we get caught up in all the main agenda and completely ignore what can be a savvy and seamless addition to an already great trip. Splurge on transport. If you’re going to do anything, do it in style. There’s no sense in being in a cramped city van or a shady taxi with luggage and potential time-wasting variables. You want to get to your destination with zero stress and enough hours to clearly gather your plans and review your itinerary. With that said, a town car or a limo rental can bring back all the giddy excitement you felt when you first saw one with all the time to decompress. Vacation mode starts when you step in. And it is a fabulous way to leave your work and chores with a little flair.

luxury travel

There are a plethora of ways to accentuate your vacation. Local food, stylish transport, and stunning views make for an original experience unlike any other. What is important is that you know where you want to go and what you want to do. With those in mind and the logistics on point, luxury travel should be the only way to travel. It is definitely worth it. Bon Voyage!

independent travel


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