Magnetic Therapy: Benefits and style tips

Magnetic Therapy: Benefits and style tips – words Al Woods

Magnetic therapy is the process of placing magnets that have very strong Goss on or near the body. A Goss is the measure of strength for a magnet. It is an external method of treating injury and aches. You don’t use static magnets like the ones you put on the fridge. Instead, pulsed electromagnetic fields are used.


How it works

If you are lying on a mat with magnetic coils in it, the magnetic fields are able to pass through your skin, tissue, muscle and bone. The magnetic energy penetrates your body in places where sports creams and heating pads could never reach. If for instance, it’s your spine which hurts giving you back pain, these magnetic fields come and activate the ions and stirs the nutrients and proteins there. When an area is irritated, the red blood cells are stacked up. When a magnetic field passes through that irritated area, it opens up the blood vessels and breaks apart the stacked red blood cells. This allows better oxygen supply to the area and deeper healing.

Here are the benefits of magnetic healing.

1. Increases blood circulation

So much of your health system depends on blood circulation including movement of nutrients to cells to promote growth, healing and removal of waste products from our bodies. It therefore causes healing to your body in the event of an injury.

2. Relieves pain

Magnetic therapy uses magnetic energy to redirect electrical impulses to the areas where you feel pain. The electromagnets affect nerve cells which are in essence electric cells. The electromagnetic energy can affect how the nerve cells fire and calm them down without using drugs which most people are used to. This greatly reduces pain in those areas.

3. Fuses broken bones

You no longer have to go through damaging surgeries, deep painful injections, and unnecessary medication.

Magnetic style tips

  • Where to put the magnets

Magnets should be placed on or around you. You can put them on your shoes, bed, yoga mat or wear them as accessories. With Innovato Design, you get the highest standard of customer service because every jewel tells a story-your story. There are nice pieces which are not chunky and each package is handled and inspected with care.

  • Use strong enough magnets

A fridge magnet has the strength of about 50 Goss which is too weak to do anything. To influence the tissue on your body and heal you, you need to have the magnetic field of at least 3500 Goss.

  • Know the difference between the North and South pole

When you want to relax the tissue, use the North field. If you want to have an anti-inflammatory effect on tissue or slow down a tissue response, use the North field. On the other hand, if you want to stimulate your system or speed up tissue response, use the south field. For instance, if you’ve injured your ankle and you want to speed up healing, you use the North field. Don’t use the South field as will make it worse.

Magnetic therapy could be the ultimate cure for pain and could even eliminate all types of aches and pains. It is a great way of evading use of unnecessary medicine and going through surgeries. This is a great remedy for people who experience chronic pain and arthritis.


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