How to maintain your body with a complete body checkup

How to maintain your body with a complete body checkup – words Alexa Wang

In today’s fast-paced life everyone has a stressful and rapid lifestyle, which eventually leads to an unhealthy body and mind. This stressful lifestyle results in stress-induced health issues such as asthma, heart disease diabetes, headache, depression etc. Moreover, due to unconventional methods of food contamination and high levels of pollution, the immunity power is challenged. Therefore, medical experts advise getting a complete body check-up regularly to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

A complete body check-up helps to take appropriate steps in the prevention or early detection of any severe medical ailment.

What is a Complete Body Checkup?

A complete body check-up is a scan of the entire body including kidney, heart, and lung to assess the health condition. It includes a Full body scan, Electrocardiography (ECG), urine tests, stool tests, X-rays, Dental checkups, and blood tests. The aim of a complete body checkup is nothing but an assessment of the whole body and its functioning.

Preventive health checkup helps to diagnose the disease at an early stage, most of which can be treated timely. There are many diseases which don’t show any symptom but can be life-threatening.

Benefits of complete health check-up

  1. Review of the vitals: It helps to diagnose the overall health of a person and maintain the basic medical information with latest health profile.
  2. Detection of illness: A complete body checkup helps the doctor to identify any severe medical ailment. Early detection increases the chance of easy fast treatment and recovery.
  3. Start early treatment: If any abnormality is diagnosed, treatment can be started on time. Treatment of ailments such as cancer will be more effective if started at an earlier stage.
  4. Chances of better medication: If the patient suffers any chronic disease then the doctor will prescribe the patient appropriate treatment for quick recovery.
  5. Prevents fear and stress: A regular health check-up is necessary as it helps to ascertain the reason behind the small aches and pain in the body.
  6. Helps maintain a better lifestyle: It helps the doctor to monitor the health of the patient. It also gives the patient a chance to alter their lifestyle which may lead to severe illness.

Prevention over Cure:

Prevention is always prioritized over cure. A complete body checkup helps to watch out the signs of diseases which may turn into a life-threatening condition. Health screening helps to prevent the disease before it becomes serious.

Following tests are advised to be taken during regular health check-ups monthly, annually and if the symptoms arise:

Annual health check-up

  1. Counseling (if stressed)
  2. Blood pressure
  3. Family history
  4. Body Mass Index (BMI)
  5. Preventive screening
  6. Complete blood count
  7. Thyroid-stimulating hormone  (TSH)
  8. Cholesterol
  9. Urine study
  10. ECG (If above 40)

Once in six months if healthy

  1. Dental
  2. Eyesight
  3. Hearing


  1. Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B
  2. Tetanus, Diphtheria
  3. Influenza
  4. Varicella
  5. Meningococcal
  6. Haemophilic Influenza Type B
  7. Measles, Mumps, and Rubella vaccine (MMR)


  2. Colorectal cancer screening
  3. Breast and cervical cancer
  4. Prostate cancer screening
  5. Osteoporosis
  6. Skin cancer basic
  7. Bowel cancer screening
  8. Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI)

Compulsory health screening tests under a complete body checkup (age wise):

1. At the age of 20s and 30s:

  1. Complete Haemogram
  2. Mini Kidney Profile
  3. Diabetes Screen Test
  4. Lipid Profile
  5. Free Thyroid Profile
  6. Liver Function Test
  7. Iron Deficiency Test
  8. Breast self-check(for women)
  9. Testes self-check (for men)
  10. Vitamins assessment for Vitamins B12 and D3

2. At the age 40s and above:

  1. PSA (for men)
  2. Mammogram (for women)
  3. Diabetes Risk assessors
  4. Cardiac Risk Markers
  5. Lifestyle Profile test

3. At the age of 50s or above

  1. Osteoporosis Screening Tests
  2. Cancer Screening Tests
  3. If sexually active
  4. Pap smear every two years (women) 
  5. Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) screenings

Don’t Forget: “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”

To live a healthy and carefree life, it is necessary to go for a health check-up regularly. It is good to undergo complete body check-up annually or monthly to prevent the risk of suffering from chronic and non-curable diseases. Also, make sure to stay away from the habits that may affect the health one or the other way. It helps to keep a check on the overall health.

A health check-up at regular intervals helps the doctor to diagnose severe diseases more easily. It helps a person to lead a healthier and longer life.



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