‘Cretaceous Returns’ – Watch Out, Dinosaurs Dancing! Reed + Rader Debut UK Show

We’re really love the work of Reed + Rader here at Flux. We first came across the duo a few years back and were so taken with their cute and clever style that we asked them to contribute one of their inimitable fashion shoots.

We went onto include more of their work and they even graced the cover with one of their pieces. When we say fashion shoots you can throw away any preconceptions of the stereotypical glossy editorial. When Reed + Rader do a shoot the rational world is abandoned and a surreal fairy-tale logic takes over. So models are suddenly in cut-up cardboard rockets hurtling into space.

Reed + Rader make it look easy but we know it is not. The Brooklyn-based duo went onto work for such prestigious titles as V magazine, Dazed & Confused, Another and POP and brands such as Beck’s and Victoria’s secret.

We’re pleased to say they have a great new show here in the UK at 18 Hewett Street, London. Nowadays they don’t  just confine their art to printed matter. They have evolved into the digital realm adapting their cut up method with their usual technical wizardry. Take a look at their awesome Pizza Machine video above. Quite a sight.

This latest show ‘Cretaceous Returns’ is incredibly their debut UK solo show. Cardboard dinosaur sculptures move and interact with photographed humans – all set against a lush jungle backdrop.

“We want you to take an adventure back to the dinosaur times and enter a tropical jungle filled with tall grass and foliage – GIF animations showing different characters, a video of colourful dinosaurs dancing to dubstep, a side-scrolling video game-like adventure to explore and meet new friends…”

This is a fully interactive experience and there is a series of special events to go alongside the show. You will be offered headphones and encouraged to dance along with the dubstep dinosaurs that will be strutting their stuff before your eyes. You can also get your hands on signed dinosaur sculptures and limited edition video pieces which will be on sale in the store.

For more on Reed + Rader go to www.reedandrader.com


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