Repair don’t replace: Looking after your tech in 2020

words Alexa Wang

Repair don't replace tech

Image credit – Pixabay

With the big superstores seemingly having sales every other week, January discounts, and Black Friday, it can often seem like the simplest solution is to replace old or broken tech rather than repairing it.

But not only will managing the upkeep of your gadgets save you money in the long run, but it’s also better for the environment. If you want to improve the life of your technology as well as get it running at optimum performance now, here’s our top tips and tricks on getting the most out of your electronics.


If you have a MacBook, you are probably already quite invested in looking after it. These powerful machines are excellent at everything from video and audio editing to gaming. They don’t come cheaply too, making them one of the most sought-after computers on the market. Services such as Clean My Mac will clean up your laptop and optimize its performance for years to come, ensuring you get the most out of this bit of kit.

Make the Right Choice

Finding the right bit of kit for you in the first place will go a long way towards preventing the need to replace your tech. If you need something lightweight that’s going to be suitable for travelling, then perhaps a tablet would be a better investment than a laptop. Choosing the right gadget from the start will avoid costly repairs or replacements down the line.


We all know about screen protectors and shatter-proof cases, but did you know that you should also avoid software updates after two generations? Manufacturers often only provide support for the previous two generations, meaning that you won’t be running your phone at its prime functionality if you keep installing the upgrades. Stopping your phone automatically upgrading can improve its life.


It’s important to regularly clean your TV to prevent dust getting inside it. You can also keep it in a well-ventilated part of the room to prevent it from overheating. Although a stylish TV cabinet might suit the aesthetic of your room, it can cause a build up of heat that your television is just not equipped to deal with.

Repair don't replace mac

Surge Protector

A more general gadget, these really are vital if you are hoping to increase the longevity of your technology. A surge protector will prevent harmful spikes in electricity, either by blocking them or earthing the extra voltage in order to stop it reaching your gadgets. These can damage or even fully break your appliances and tech so they are definitely a worthwhile purchase.

Protect Against Viruses and Malware

If there’s one place to invest in protecting your technology, this is it. Harmful malware can destroy even the most top-of-the-line machinery and create huge problems in your personal life as well in terms of invading your privacy and accessing your personal information, depending on what you might be unlucky enough to get attacked by. What you use your tech for will depend what you need so do your research on the best protection for you, but don’t skip it.

Repair imac


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