Ten Rules for Business Conflict Resolution

words Al Woods

Every acting businessman is interested how to get past conflict. In this article, we provide ten golden rules for behaving in conflict situations.

How to get past conflict

Any long-term human interaction, not only in the business environment, implies the emergence of conflicts. A company’s successful day-to-day operation depends significantly on the ability to move past discords. The CMA Consulting team has been conducting training for years that teach how to resolve conflicts and are useful for business owners, managers, and employees.

Conflict Resolution


Golden Rules

So how do you move past conflict? Below we provide ten viable pieces of advice for efficient resolution.

  1. Stay calm

The most important thing is not to give in to emotions! Calmness, logic, and sober calculation will help not to aggravate the rivalry. You cannot control other participants in a conflict situation. They can shout, lose their composure. But you are quite capable of handling yourself, and this is already a lot!

  1. Let your opponent speak their mind

Allow your opponents to express everything that has boiled over, argue their point of view, and present their interests. By listening carefully, you are at least showing your opponent basic respect. Moreover, this lets you calmly prepare for a response, think over your tactics.

  1. Do not get hung up on winning

In a conflict, it is elementary to give in to passion and chase victory at any cost. You should still not leave the path of constructive resolution. Keep in mind your final task – finding a peaceful solution to the problem that would suit everyone involved.

  1. Keep your distance

It is vital to maintain a certain distance and polite, constructive communication, especially considering that you will have to regularly communicate with the other side in the future.

  1. Do not avoid conflict at all costs

Do not be afraid of conflicts and hush up the problems. Sometimes it is better to clarify the issue openly than to follow the path of innuendo. Eventually, the unresolved conflict will burst and can become uncontrollable. Keep its development under control.

  1. Rules for everyone

Establish certain norms of conduct during the discussion, agree on rules that everyone will follow.

  1. Look for common grounds

Search for common interests – any similarities – to maintain peaceful talks and constructive mood.

  1. Never get personal

Avoid lowering yourself to criticism that touches on deep cultural and personal values, offending the opponents, and leading the dialogue towards mutual insults, the worst possible outcome of a conflict situation.

  1. Avoid overestimating your contribution and underestimating your opponent’s

Your objective attitude to your own merits and the merits of your opponent, recognition of their value reduce the conflict situation’s intensity. Be humble and fair.

  1. Do not shift the blame

Shifting responsibility to the opposing side, the lack of willingness to admit your mistakes will serve only to further exacerbate the already tense situation.

Conflict Resolution Techniques

The following are some effective techniques that will help you unexpectedly and deftly smooth out a conflict situation:

  • Let your opponent release the tension;
  • Distract the interlocutor if the heat builds up – you can abruptly change the subject, go out to drink water – any technique that will help reduce the tension a little will be adequate;
  • Express your feelings and point of view, avoiding accusatory language as much as possible;
  • Think, what kind of result would your opponent want to achieve. What solutions do they offer? Let them voice their grievances so the dialogue can reach a constructive level – concentrate on the positive;
  • Let your opponent maintain their dignity – do not infringe, do not try to hurt them;
  • Employ mirroring. For example, ask: “Did I understand you correctly that …?” This will help avoid controversies;
  • Stay on an equal footing with your opponent, respect all opinions;
  • Be prepared to admit guilt, stay flexible but persistent in defending your point of view where absolutely necessary;
  • Do not try to prove your vision at any cost – everyone has the right to their own views. The task is not to suppress the enemy but to establish a constructive dialogue and find the best solution, if possible, for all the involved parties.

How to Get Past Conflict: Final Thoughts

The ability to steer out of a disputable situation is the quality of a true leader, a successful executive, and an administrator. Knowing the fundamental techniques will be a great help for you in any acute conflict situation. Overall, the most critical is to stay calm. And we are always ready to help you become even more successful. Contact us today and let us discuss the prospects of cooperation.


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