How to say Hello around Europe

Hallo, Salut, Ahoj, Bonjour, Hola.

There are many different ways to say hello around the world and Europe itself is home to several different languages.

Greetings vary from country to country, as there are 23 officially recognised languages among the 50 European nations.

With the likes of German and Serbian being spoken throughout several different countries, there are several similar words used to say hello throughout a number of countries. Of all the words in different languages spkoen around the worl ‘hello’ is the most used.

For example, the German word for hello is “Hallo” – and this is how you greet another person in Austria, Belgium, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg and Switzerland, as well as Germany.  Iceland, Netherlands and Norway all use the same or a similar word, though they don’t speak German as a mother tongue. It’s a very useful word that’s understood by most Europeans so you can use it as you begin to learn Slovak,  Dutch, or just about any European Language.

With World Hello Day just around the corner on 21 November, the helpful infographic below made by Network Telecom shows us how to say hello in 10 of Europe’s most popular countries.

say Hello

The full list of ways to say “Hello” throughout Europe is as follows:

Country “Hello”
Albania Përshëndetje
Andorra Hola
Armenia Barev
Austria Hallo
Azerbaijan Salam
Belarus Zdravstvujtie
Belgium Hallo / Bonjour / Hallo
Bosnia and Herzegovina Zdravo
Bulgaria Zdraveĭte
Croatia Zdravo
Cyprus Merhaba / Chaírete
Czech Republic Ahoj
Denmark Hej
Estonia Tere
Finland Hei
France Bonjour
Georgia Gamarjoba
Germany Hallo
Greece Geia sas
Hungary Helló
Iceland Halló
Republic of Ireland Hello
Italy Ciao
Kosovo Përshëndetje / Zdravo
Latvia Sveiki
Liechtenstein Hallo
Lithuania Sveiki
Luxembourg Bonjour / Hallo / Hallo
Macedonia Zdravo
Malta Hello / Bongu
Moldova Salut
Monaco Bonjour
Montenegro Zdravo
Netherlands Hallo
Norway Hallo
Poland Cześć
Portugal Olá
Romania Salut
Russia Zdravstvuyte
San Marino Ciao
Serbia Zdravo
Slovakia Ahoj
Slovenia Živjo
Spain Hola
Sweden Hallå
Switzerland Hallo / Ciao / Bonjour / Ciao
Turkey Merhaba
Ukraine Vitayu
United Kingdom Hello
Vatican City Ciao / Salve / Bonjour / Hallo




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