Benefits of Self-Care to Your Physical and Mental Health

words Alexa Wang

Mental Health

Sometimes it’s possible to fall into the trap of only helping others. We may have dependent children at home or maybe we have to take care of elderly parents.

The more things we have to do, the more we can become hard on ourselves. The land is more productive when it has an opportunity to lie fallow for a season. We are just like that. Having some essential ‘me time’ can recharge the batteries, revitalize us, and re-motivate us to keep going. Let’s look at some of the benefits right now. 

We Can Feel Healthier

If we sharpen up our diet and lay off the junk food, weight loss can result. When we are ‘traveling lighter’ we will feel more fit and active. Fresh fruit and vegetables can wonderfully meet our physical needs, supplying such essential things as carbohydrates. 

A healthy breakfast can help us stay full until lunchtime, rather than scratching around mid-morning, looking for snacks. If we drink plenty of water we won’t be taking in the usual additives found in soda drinks, and our bodies can be healthily hydrated. This even helps our skin naturally moisturize itself. 

There are also dietary supplements and vitamins that can be taken. These are especially beneficial for people who are unable to eat wheat, gluten, or dairy food. One online company recognizes there can be pros and cons of using some of these products. If someone decides to go to their website they will discover product reviews and details of the benefits or the dangers. One example is green coffee beans which can produce side effects. 

We Can Feel More Energized

There are so many things we can do to help us keep and stay fit. It could be taking our dog – or a neighbor’s – for a walk. How about a refreshing stroll through woodland, or a day trip to the seaside. Simply watching the waves in silence can have an incredibly restorative effect upon us mentally. 

If we go outdoors during a lunch break we can enjoy the fresh air and change of scenery. Any change in routine is good for us mentally. 

Why not join a pilates course, either in person or by watching a video? How about buying some gym equipment for home, or buying a membership. Anything that will help us stay motivated will be worth its weight in gold. Another great option is the Malibu rehab centers that offer fitness programs while helping individuals recover from drug or alcohol addiction. These programs are designed to improve physical and mental well-being, allowing individuals to feel energized and motivated to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Our Lives Will Feel More Under Control

If someone goes to bed with a list of things to remember rattling round their minds, they are likely to keep thinking about them as they sleep. People really benefit if they write down a ‘to do’ list. It’s there in black and white. It’s easy to prioritize each thing from one to ten. Life will feel more under control as a result.

The same thing goes for tidying up our homes. Clutter makes us feel like things are getting out of hand. Shoes, toys, and magazines may be strewn everywhere. Why not buy storage boxes or baskets to keep them in. It’ll be great for the kids to learn to use them rather than having to pick them up and put them away yourself.

Decluttering is great. Minimalist homes can appear sparse, but they are more restful to the eyes than walls plastered with pictures and photos, or tabletops covered in ornaments. What a lovely feeling it is to open a lounge cupboard, and no longer have everything falling out the minute the door is open! 

Our Mental Health Can Improve

Even as little as ten minutes’ mindfulness meditation each day can have an impact upon our otherwise busy minds. We learn to live in the moment and simply observe our random thoughts as they occur, instead of following them relentlessly. Gratitude journals can help rewire our minds to look for the good things in our lives, instead of focusing on what’s not going right. 

It’s really refreshing sometimes to stand back from our day to day routines and see the big picture. Creating dream boards can make people come alive. They help people identify what they want from their lives. Our brains are designed to then find ways to achieve these dreams. 

mental health tips

We Feel More Connected

Meeting other people can be very therapeutic. If we are stuck indoors there are still ways to connect. Why not phone a friend who always makes you laugh, or have a Skype with someone who always sees the bright side of life? 

When we help others we become bigger versions of ourselves and gain a greater perspective. 

Why not take some time now and write 100 dreams down or 50 ways we can treat ourselves with some ‘me time’? The benefits can be not just for us mentally and physically, but for all those we come into contact with on a daily basis. 


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