This skincare hack will keep your skin looking young and healthy

words Al Woods

Are you tired of spending money on expensive skincare products? While it’s important to have some essentials around – such as a good natural moisturiser, cleanser, and toner – come of the best things you can do for your skin are cheap or free.

Most of us know that staying hydrated and getting exercise are important for great skin. It’s also important to get enough sleep, de-stress regularly, and eat the right foods.

What you may now know is that you probably have the ingredients for one of the world’s best face masks in your home already!

Got eggs, got skincare!

If you’re looking for healthy, glowing skin without forking out for fancy face masks or spa treatments, you’re in luck. If you’ve got eggs in the fridge you’ve got the key ingredient for an amazing skincare hack.

Egg whites are packed with protein and are great for tightening and toning your skin. Making a face mask with egg whites can shrink large pores, reducing excess sebum.

Large pores are also breeding grounds for bacteria that can cause acne, so tightening them up will help keep your complexion clear.

Here’s how you can make an egg white face mask yourself:

Step 1: Remove the yolk

First, you’ll need to separate the egg white from the yolk.

  1. Find the middle of the egg
  2. Crack the egg at the midpoint but don’t let the contents spill out
  3. Once cracked, tilt the egg to one side of the eggshell, so that the yolk moves into that side
  4. Use the other piece of the broken egg to trap the yolk within the shell, then tilt the egg slightly to the other side
  5. Drain the egg white into a bowl through the gap you’ve made in the shell

Step 2: Whisk and apply

  1. Once the egg white is separated, whisk it in a small bowl until it becomes frothy
  2. Wash your face with warm water then apply the egg white to your face and neck using a face brush. Be sure to avoid the areas around your mouth and eyes
  3. Take a thin tissue and cut out holes for your mouth, eyes and nose. Place the tissue over your face and gently pat so that it sticks to the egg white
  4. Apply another layer of egg white over the tissue

Step 3: Wait, peel, and wash

Wait around 30 minutes for your egg white mask to dry out completely. It might be a good idea to have some relaxing music or a podcast playing so you’re not tempted to fidget or move around too much.

After 30 minutes, gently the tissue off your face, pulling upwards, and then wash. Be sure to use warm water and a soft cloth. Your skin will feel fresh, clean, and rejuvenated!

How often should you use an egg white mask?

You can use an egg white mask quite regularly to keep your skin looking young and fresh. Exactly how often depends on your skin type.

If you have oily skin, it’s best to use a mask twice a week. If your skin tends to be dry, you want to let natural oils build up between uses, so only apply an egg white once a week.

Benefits of egg white masks

Adding egg whites to your skincare routine can bring significant benefits, especially if coupled with natural skincare products (See Okana Skincare)  and a healthy lifestyle.

Some of the benefits you can expect are:

  1. A lighter, brighter complexion
  2. Removal of blackheads and whiteheads
  3. Deep cleansing
  4. Tighter, clearer pores
  5. A reduction in excess oil on your skin
  6. A reduction in acne and acne scars
  7. Less wrinkles


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