Discover these sleeping hacks that could change your life

Discover these sleeping hacks that could change your life – words Alan Woods

Sleeping is rarely as easy as lying down and closing your eyes. Usually, we have to battle an array of obstacles, such as hot weather, loud neighbours, fidgety partner, and bright street lamps. For some of us, though, there might not be a real reason why we can’t sleep – it just doesn’t come. You need some sleeping hacks to help you out. A late night out is fine now and then, but constant sleep deprivation is no one’s idea of fun. In fact, insomnia is said to affect 50% of the British population.

sleeping hacks

The effects of a bad night’s sleep last well into the next day and your quality of life in general. “Living with poor sleep and its consequences is not only very common, but it is in all likelihood degrading Britain’s health”, says Colin Espie, a professor at Glasgow University and co-founder of sleep organisation Sleepio. “It’s time for the NHS to pay attention to the scientific evidence that persistent poor sleep elevates the risk of developing new illnesses. This has been shown in disorders such as diabetes, but also very convincingly in depression.”

There is a certain art to sleeping well, so rather than being frustrated and angry at the lack of sleep, see if you can fight back. If you’re tired of being awake in bed and you don’t like the idea of taking sleeping pills, then one of these sleeping hacks could be your answer.

Vent your thoughts

It’s a strange thing that our minds can be super active as soon as we hit the bed; it’s as if a part of the brain only wants to rebel and be even more energetic. This is one of those mind tricks to fall asleep. But there is a remedy. Sometimes, just emptying your head from worry and stress can be enough to help you sleep, and this can be done by simply putting pen to paper. If you write down what’s troubling you, it’s widely believed that the mind is able to process it better and acknowledge the fact – literally clearing the head of clutter works as one of those great sleeping hacks.



Remember your day

Another way to help clear your mind of worry is to recall everything you did from the morning onwards. This can put you in a form of meditation, as your thoughts aren’t drifting to why you’re not sleeping or concerns for the future, but instead conversations you had, things you saw, what you had for lunch, how your body felt, etc. One of the best falling asleep hacks.

Put your trust in products

There are a million and one items out there which are said to revolutionise bad sleep, but how many actually work? It really does depend on the person and the only way you’ll know for sure is trying one yourself. There are Himalayan salt lamps, soft blue light projectors, smart bulbs, white noise machines, eye masks, and even ion wristbands. However, it could even come down to something as simple as a better mattress. Many of today’s recommended mattresses are memory foam-based and are said to be incredibly helpful when it comes to getting a comfortable night’s sleep. You can find out which brands are considered the best of the best here.

Use your left nostril

Some bad sleepers have found success via breathing methods as a sleeping hack. Try lying on your left side, closing your right nostril with a finger and slowly breathing with your left nostril. This method is thought to reduce blood pressure and induce calmness, so you may well find relaxation and sleep not far away. Similarly, there is a method call the ‘4-7-8 exercise’, which consists of inhaling through your nose for four seconds, holding the breath for seven seconds, and then exhaling through your mouth for eight seconds.

sleeping hacks

Don’t watch the clock

The most fruitless thing to do when failing to sleep is to constantly look at the clock. This is especially worse if you check your phone’s clock, as the bright light can send your brain into a more ‘awake’ mode, which can compound the problem. Simply focus on falling asleep and pay no attention to what time it is so ignore those who advise how to fall asleep in 30 seconds.

Don’t wait until bedtime to relax

Practicing calming methods like meditation or yoga throughout the day can be hugely beneficial. This way, your body and mind have already got a head start on relaxation, and will be better prepared for when your head hits the pillow.

Discover these sleeping hacks that could change your life – words Alan Woods


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