Smirnoff Original Nights – taking creative nightlife direct to its audience

We all know Smirnoff as the highly successful Vodka brand but sometimes you have to take the unusual route in order to get a new type of connection with your audience. This is what the brand have been working on recently with a whole new approach to their marketing.

For the last decade Smirnoff have been slowly but surely building their Original Nights concept alongside independent creative agency RPM which has brought the brand to life with a series of events up and down the country.


The idea was to get across what the brand was all about in the flesh so to speak. They wanted to bypass the traditional marketing route and instead give something direct to their consumers that would give them the Smirnoff experience.

It’s proven highly popular and their series of unique events have become part of the night-time culture of the UK. Over the years they’ve dug deep to bring consumers some legendary events including an Electric Cabaret where handpicked contemporary artists and musicians created a new take on cabaret. There was also the unforgettable Slumberfest – Smirnoff’s take on the classic slumber party taken onto a new hedonistic level. The recent Nightlife Exchange took the Smirnoff Original Nights concept in a new unique direction where 14 countries swapped club nights to bring their own unique flavour to audiences across the world.

With Original Nights, Smirnoff has built a brand that connects with their core audience and delivers so much more than the traditional advertising technique of hammering at the consumer like a juggernaut though all available media. With lots more unique ideas in the pipeline the Smirnoff Original Nights concept looks set to wow its audience over the coming months. Keep your eyes peeled for the next edition.







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