How to Overcome a Staffing Shortage in a Manufacturing Company?

words Al Woods

An ongoing problem in the manufacturing industry is the lack of skilled staffing. Even though more and more people are searching for job opportunities due to the pandemic, there is a shortage of skilled manufacturing employees. 

Surprisingly, there is still a gap in the manufacturing sector’s labor market, although the unemployment percentage increases.

New workers are unwilling to work in a manufacturing company that doesn’t offer them perspectives, and the existing employees are often unsatisfied with their current positions. If your company suffers from a workforce shortage, you need to find a way to attract incoming employees, encourage the existing ones, and fill the labor gap in your workplace.

Manufacturing staff

Temporary Labor

One way to overcome a staffing shortage in your company is hiring temporary skilled workers to meet your company’s needs in the short term. If your hiring process is still unsuccessful, use the services of companies that provide you with skilled manufacturers.

If you run a project and notice that you lack qualified employees, you don’t need to search for those who face your needs. Temporary labor is advantageous for companies that need to find employees quickly and effectively.

With the help of a manufacturing recruiting service, you can easily find skilled temporary workers that match your requirements. This way, your company can continue to operate smoothly and meet its production goals without any delays.

Make Employees Identify With the Company Culture

The perception of working in the manufacturing industry is unappealing for many, mostly young, people. The biggest issue is that the older employees are going on retirement, and the younger ones search for a job that represents a bigger picture. The solution to this problem is redefining your company goal so that the established aim is something more significant.

The young generation must find an appealing aspect in your company’s motto as environmental and social conscience is of great importance for them. For instance, if your company is about food production, establish the main goal as feeding people. That sounds far more interesting than just working with food production and, in the long term, more encouraging for new skilled labor.

Train the Skills

If your company suffers from a manufacturing staffing shortage, your expectations towards potential further employees can be too high and overspecified. The major problem in the recruitment process is that managers are searching for skills, not people.

If you want to hire a committed worker, often the hard skills that are your primary demand are easy to teach. Search for people who are likely to learn fast and are diligent. Not only it’s easier to find people who can learn how to operate in your company, but also you offer them the possibility to learn new skills and gain experience in the field that might be prospective for them. Then, the job offer is more appealing as well, and you can search among a greater number of people.

Create New Career Paths

It’s crucial to satisfy the existing employees to develop their skills and talents. As a manager, you can update their positions and make them more challenging to discover workers’ strengths and hobbies. Due to that, you create new career paths and increase your employees’ diligence and job satisfaction.

The development possibilities that a company offers are crucial for potential workers who want the bigger picture while searching for a job. The perspective of promotion and finding a space where they can discover what they are good at.

Recognition And Reward System

Incentives in your company might function as a reward for their hard work or encouragement to take up employment. People seek recognition, and it increases engagement. Also, the incentives should be adjusted to staffing needs and help them in self-development. The most famous example is a gym membership for those who have to stand all day long.  You can create your recognition program so the incentives would meet their needs.

However, you can also consider rewarding your workers for achieving the weekly goals established in your company. It can be a small thing, even a thank you note, but appreciation and recognition always work positively on the workplace’s overall atmosphere and make your employees work more efficiently. It shows existing employees that they are an integral part of your company, and their effort contributes to the whole company’s outcome.


Finding skilled labor is challenging in the manufacturing industry. To find manufacturers that would fill the short positions in your company, you need to implement a strategy that would be appealing for new workers and satisfactory for the old ones. 

The new generation awaits more significant development possibilities and opportunities, so you should alter your recruitment process so that workers are assured that they can develop their talents and hobbies in the workplace. Moreover, you need to establish a big picture that would represent your company culture and ideas so that workers can identify with it. The gap in skilled labor surely exists, but you can manage to minimalize its consequences in your company by putting yourself in the workforce position.


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