Summer Music Festival 2016 style tips

Summer music festival 2016 style tips – words Andre Wahlberg

While summer music festivals were once grubby affairs — mud-caked shoes, sweaty T-shirts and matted hair — there is now an expectation to stay on trend, even when dodging puddles and air-borne plastic cups.

But how can you pull this off while still accounting for wet weather, hot days and cold evenings? These five style tips in our Summer music festival 2016 style guide will ensure that you continue to look on point, even after three days of camping!



The biggest festival trend this year for women is the bralet. This top allows you to stay cool in the sunshine without revealing too much, and looks fantastic when paired with denim or leather shorts. Crocheted bralets are the most popular, and this piece from Missguided is available with 25% student discount if you are eligible.



Sunglasses are an essential piece of kit at music festivals. Not only will they protect your eyes from the UV rays of continuous sunlight, but also will also come in handy if you are feeling a little worse for wear and your aching head is more than a little sensitive to light.

Bug-eye sunglasses or aviators will do the job nicely, but it may be a good idea to choose a style of shades that suits your face. This tool from the Sunglasses Shop will help you choose a style that will look great on you.

Waterproof jacket

Although it is a sensible option, a waterproof jacket can be difficult to incorporate into an outfit due to being a bit of a wildcard. The easiest way to overcome this problem is to choose a well-constructed jacket from a designer brand. This unisex Radway Hooded Jacket from Pretty Green will keep you bone dry while also looking fantastic, and it has a concealable hood that can be tucked away while the weather is pleasant.



Denim is always a good look, whether it’s denim jeans, shorts, a jacket, or in this case a dress. The denim dress is a fantastic summer outfit due to being comfortable in the sunshine and looking great.  The colour off the denim is also usually a flattering tone to show off your sun tan, so take advantage of this while you are bronzed. Go with a floaty denim dress for a playful look, or a well-fitting piece to look sleeker. This button-front denim dress from New Look is available in pale- and dark-blue, and can be purchased with next day delivery.

Wellington boots

This essential piece of clothing should go without saying, as taking a pair of wellies to a festival is as important as taking your sleeping bag or your selfie stick (kidding). The great thing about wellies is that they come in all sorts of fun designs and styles, allowing you to express a bit of your personality when you wear them. You can find an excellent selection of this footwear at The Welly Shop — they even have a dedicated festival wellies section. Choose a pair that capture attention without clashing with any of your outfits, and always be conscious of using too many colours.

When attending any festival, the emphasis should always be on enjoyment, but there is no reason why you can’t enjoy yourself while also looking fantastic in the process!

Summer music festival 2016 style tips – words Andre Wahlberg


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