Tag: trump russia

active measures

Active Measures – How Putin took the White House

Active Measures – How Putin took the White House – words Calum Russell “The ...

World War 3

How we stumbled (half asleep) into World War 3

words Lee Taylor Wars look all nice and neat decades after the fact. In ...

swamp trump

Time to drain the swamp and finish Trump

Trump will drain the swamp – and drown himself – words Lee Taylor From ...

Ecuador, South America’s high point in wildlife

Words: Neil Geraghty ‘Jesus in drag. You’ve got to be joking’, I think to ...

Trump gang

Why the Trump gang of clowns will implode

Why the Trump gang of clowns will soon implode – words Lee Taylor Steve ...

putin fears trump

Putin fears Trump – for all the right reasons

Putin fears Trump – for all the right reasons – words Lee Taylor When ...

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