Want more from news than the ass of Kim Kardashian?

Are you sick of the sight Kim Kardashian’s rear end? Yes it might be a mighty fine chunk of ass but when real news is being overlooked in the fervour to cover this monumental behind then something is up.

This is the idea behind a great new website thebigassnews.com that uses this famous butt to shine a light back on the news we’re all missing out on. That’s right – the ass of Kim Kardashian has been turned into an important media hub where you can catch those all important news stories.

According to its creators Jennifer Garcia and Carl Larsson, two freelance art directors from New York:

“Our project is a cultural wake-up call and an immensely accurate grasp of the attention span of America. The idea is simple: Kim Kardashian’s ass gets more attention than important world issues. So, we put important news on her butt.”

The site is hilarious and we like the message behind it. We’re drowning in pictures and news about celebrities and their body parts whilst news on big issues that need to be addressed are buried. Now a little bit of balance has been restored.


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