How to throw the perfect garden party

How to throw the perfect garden party – words Alexa Wang

If you’re fortunate enough to have a garden that gets plenty of sun, there are few better ways to enjoy it than by hosting your very own garden party.

The opportunities to fire up the barbeque, grab a cold drink and catch some rays are few and far between in the UK, so if you’re planning on getting some family and friends over and making the most of the weather this summer, then make sure you do it right with our top tips on how to throw the perfect garden party.


Plan around the weather

While websites such as Metcheck have relatively accurate 16-day forecasts, the British weather is famously difficult to predict, even with the help of modern technology. With this being the case, it can be a good idea to buy all of the supplies for your garden party at the beginning of the summer and then invite your guests over a few days before a weekend that’s supposed to bring sunshine.

While this may mean a few of your guests will be busy and won’t be able to make it does mean that those who can are guaranteed sunshine — an essential component of any good garden party.

Make it about food

We don’t get many chances to eat al fresco in the UK, so your guests are sure to love it if you centre your garden party around food. Whether you go down the barbeque route or you treat your guests to a refined afternoon tea, they’ll no doubt enjoy themselves.

If you do opt for the full summer experience of cooking outdoors, check out BBC Good Food’s choice of barbeque recipes, which will give you some fantastic ideas.

If you don’t fancy the hassle of cooking for all of your guests from scratch, a takeaway makes a great alternative. Use a website like Just Eat or Hungry House to find a local takeaway that suits your entire party.

Invest in the right tableware

It’s generally a bad idea to give guests your finest crockery at a garden party — with kids running around and the grow-ups enjoying a drink or two, they can easily get damaged. Plastic kitchenware therefore makes a great investment for this time of the year. However, plastic doesn’t have to mean tacky — just take a look at the range of reusable plastic glassware from Alliance Online, which brings as much style as practicality. Order some of these alongside paper plates and bowls and you’ll be able to keep your more expensive everyday items well out of harm’s way.

Keep these tips in mind and your summer garden parties are sure to go down as smoothly as possible — as long as the sun turns up, at least!

How to throw the perfect garden party – words Alexa Wang



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