Tiny Parcels Christmas Party in Salford!

Tired of the omni-present Christmas markets in cities across the country and wanting to get your hands on unique Christmas gifts full of crafty goodness? Then combine your shopping with a shindig of the highest independent order and get down to the Tiny Parcels Christmas Party.

Taking place on 14th December at The Kings Arms in Salford, the event uniquely combines shopping with live music all under the roof of the most fashionable non-fashion pub in Manchester.  Or Salford for all you sticklers.

Nestling at the foot of Bridge Street, The Kings Arms is just over the Manchester / Salford border in an area that’s becoming a new hideout for the post Northern Quarter crowd.

Craft and art will be on sale by emerging artists and makers, whilst you enjoy the live music provided by the wonderful all girl guitar duo, Tiny Parcels fresh from support slots with Rosie Plains, and Magpahi.

For tickets (£3) see www.kingsarmssalford.com  For information on Tiny Parcels or to reserve stalls see www.facebook.com/tinyparcels


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