Under The Radar Tips To Achieving The Perfect Wardrobe

words Alexa Wang

For many of us, the pathway to achieving the perfect personal wardrobe is a long and winding one. Over the years, chances are good that you have tried – and let’s best honest, failed – to find clothes that you don’t only love at the time that you buy them, but also love your many years afterwards.

Having a great wardrobe is an important aspect of making sure that you are trying to be your very best self. Whether or not you want to admit it, we live in a fairly shallow society and while there is so much more to you than your clothes, wearing great clothes and feeling great in your clothes is an important and easy way to make sure that you are putting your very best foot forward. Great clothes that you feel great in will help you be more confident, feel less stressed and put of a great impression that you care about how you present yourself in your personal and professional life.

So, if you are feeling like you might be stuck in fashion rut and do not really know what you want to change about your wardrobe or how, here are some under the radar tips that you can consider thanks to the good people (and great clothes) at TheHandsome.com.

Let’s get started!

Perfect summer Wardrobe

When you buy something, get rid of something else

We’re all living in the year 2020, so chances are good that you have heard the phrase that you should get rid of anything that doesn’t “spark joy.” That sentiment absolutely applies to clothes, especially when you are trying to expand your wardrobe with new looks!

An excellent way to keep your wardrobe a sensible size is to adopt the one-in and one-out policy. This means that every time you purchase something new, you should also be getting rid of something. This will not only help you keep your rails and shelves from spilling over and becoming a horrible, wrinkled mess, it will also help you greatly in the decision-making process. You need to find something that is worth getting rid of a different piece of clothing for. If you are not willing to part ways with some similar bit of clothing for this new potential piece, chances are good, it’s not worth it to buy!

summer Wardrobe

Swap clothes with your most fashionable friends

No, this does not mean rifle through your friends’ own wardrobes when they fall asleep on their couch during movie night. Of course, you will need to get your friends’ permission before you start trying on their clothes, but most people are more than happy to let their friends try on new outfits to see how they would fit and feel on them.

See if they would be willing to swap some of your clothes for theirs for a few weeks. This now only allows you to sport some new outfits without having to foot the bill, it also gives you an opportunity to try out new styles, brands, cuts and more.

Don’t shy away from tough decisions

Look. Nobody likes giving otherwise perfectly fine clothes away, but if you are looking to really make the most out of your wardrobe, chances are good you may very well have to part ways with things that are fine, but don’t make you look and feel great.

The simple truth is that there is no need to hold onto everything you have ever worn and loved. If it is something that you haven’t worn for years – or even for just a few months (season-specific outfits obviously not included) – than it might be time just to put it all in a bag and donate it so that someone can get as much joy out of it now as you used to back when you wore it regularly.

If you really hate the idea of getting rid of something that you used to wear regularly, put it to the test. See how many times you wear it in the next 4-6 months. If it doesn’t see more than a day or two outside of your closet, chances are good you won’t even remember that you ever had it once you drop it off at your local Goodwill.

Perfect Wardrobe

Create a personal uniform

This might not seem like a good thing to do if you are looking to create a new and exciting wardrobe,  but creating some restrictions in what you are going to wear on a regular basis can ultimately lead to greater stylish creativity!

Of course, you are not going to want to have 10 pairs of black pants and 20 pairs of a similar-looking blouse, but you also should not be afraid to have items that are of similar style and color to one another if they look great on you.

Some of the most stylish men and women in the world have created their own unique uniforms that allow them to keep it simple. The primary things to think about when creating this personal wardrobe is to focus on colors and cuts that look great on you and fabrics that you simply love to wear.

Know what you own

This probably seems very obvious, but at the same time chances are pretty good that you have many times been doing laundry or trying to do some spring cleaning only to find a piece of clothing that you have essentially forgotten all about.

So, before you decide to head out on your next shopping expedition, make sure that you have taken stock of what you own so that you don’t buy something that you essentially do not need. Making sure that your wardrobe is clean and clutter free will help you make great decisions now and in the future.

Invest in what you own

Just because something that you love has gotten a little worn doesn’t mean that you cannot enjoy it. Invest in great pieces you already own by getting things like buttons, zippers, hems and stitches fixed. No matter what you spend on that repair, the cost is going to pale in comparison to buying a whole brand-new replacement.


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