The Ultimate Guide to WoW Jailer Boosting and How it Works

words Al Woods

WoW Jailer

Source: Wowpedia

WoW, Zovaal is hard to do. You need to have great gear, great teammates, and take the time to hone your skills in order to complete the raid.

That is why WoW Jailer Boost raid became popular on Skycoach. It’s a service that grants access to players who can’t do it themselves.

The Ultimate Guide to WoW Zovaal Raid Boosting guides you on how all of this works and what you need to know about the Jailer, so you can finally get your hands on those precious items!

Who Is Zovaal, The Jailer In WoW?

Who is Zovaal is something that most World of Warcraft up-to-date players know. But here is the answer – he is the final, strongest to defeat boss in the new raid that came up with the Shadowlands update. Being the last encounter in the Sepulcher of the First Ones, the Jailer, as he is better known, is a massive obstacle in the gamers’ path of conquering the instance.

Initially, he was an Eternal one (not from Marvel) who ruled and controlled the territories around the Maw in the Area known as the Shadowlands.

Zovaal’s story is quite unfortunate yet exciting due to his aspirations to go against his creators and their way and understanding of how things should be. Ruling and using the potent magic of Domination, he tortured and controlled every peace in his territories from the Sanctum of the Domination.

He wanted to take the sigils from his Eternal brethren and, as a consequence of this, was defeated and locked – forced to be the Jailer as we know him. In World of Warcraft’s latest expansion – the Shadowlands, you and your crew have to raid the instance and prevent him from succeeding in his plans. Next, you have to defeat ten bosses before him and, lastly, stop him from sucking out the life from Azeroth!

Why Should You Defeat Him?

Why should you? If you ask this, you probably are a new player. In short, if you want to get the ultimate experience and probably the best drops in the new dungeon, you have to defeat the Final Boss of the instance. In our case, this will be the Jailer.

The first and foremost reason why you should fight him is to save Azeroth, mhm, mhm, we have to be righteous. After that comes the great loot he drops, the items are of the highest levels, and can vary based on the difficulty you pick, for example:

  • At LFR difficulty, you can get a loot of level – 246
  • The Normal one will bring you to the possible gear of level 259
  • On Heroic, you will deserve sth befitting the feat – level 272
  • Lastly, if you complete the dungeon on the Mythic difficulty, you will be able to attain a gear of 285.

Aside from the regular loot, by completing the instance, you will have the chance of obtaining mounts, some of which are worth a lot and are seekable by collectors. And even outstanding achievements – which are hard to get!

What Is The Easiest Way To Deal With Zovaal?

There is no defined answer to this. Zovaal, as you know, is the final boss you have to face. However, the machines are easy to deal with once you get to know them. The whole experience will feel new as the raid was released recently.

If you are someone with little to no experience in dungeon raids, you will have a hard time no matter if you know or not the tips and tricks. But on the other hand, you will also enjoy the experience better.

The best advice that can be given in such a situation will be to find the right team. We mean, you have to get the perfect composition and balance needed for the instance. Then, to have the gear befitting the challenge you will face and lastly, great teamwork. Doing raids is all about how your team moves and completes each other during the fight. It is not a solo-kill game but rather a teamwork one.

In case you have a hard time finding a team or adjusting to the challenge, you can simply look for professionals who can do that for you. There are things known as boost services for such situations, and they can help a lot when it comes to unconquerable raids – which you cannot find a group for or simply can’t pick up the team pace.

Finally, it is all up to you, and you can prepare and team up with the right team. Do some light dungeons and learn how to work together so you can easily communicate and cover for each other. Or simply save time and get a boosting service. The call is yours and what is left is for you to make a choice!

Bottom Line:

Assume you have read the article. You now know more about Zovaal, what can the defeat of the Jailer bring you, and lastly, the options you have when it comes to dealing with him.

We strongly advise you to make an educated choice after informing yourself about everything. Take the best option about yourself given your game knowledge, if you can find a team or not, and lastly, how much time you can invest in the raid conquering mission. All that is left is to wish you luck, and may you save Azeroth from Zovaal adventurers!


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