Using Them Right: The Best Business Tools (and the Perils of Them)

Business Tools

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Businesses need tools to thrive. The problems we all experience usually mean choosing which are the most effective to build our company. But this means we’ve got to go through some of the most crucial.

So let’s highlight what some of the most important business tools are, literal and metaphorical, and how they could put your business into the stratosphere. But also, let’s show you some of the challenges of these tools. They may appear to be the missing piece of the puzzle but they will require more investment in many ways.


Training is one of those areas that is almost a double-edged sword. We demand employees have knowledge in order to progress the business, but we also need to realise that knowledge demands an effective trainer. The right training, whether you need to incorporate cybersecurity courses and technical awareness into your company or you need to look at soft skills, is all about the components that underpin it. Because many employees can view training as a box-ticking exercise, if you really want to use training to your advantage, you have to incorporate the right approaches which means getting the right trainers. 

Project Management Tools 

Having the ability to structure your working day is important and having a tool that provides clear targets to any project will help you stay on track. The right project management tool is something that is not just easy to access but should also be understood by employees. If you really want to bring your employees an awareness of the bigger picture into play, a project management tool needs to give them the freedom to structure their day so they can work smarter. The biggest challenge is that many organisations drive targets down people’s throats, so they feel they have no choice but to chain themselves to the desk in order to hit them. Project management tools allow employees more power and this is something we can almost forget about. 


Financing any company is the way to achieve success. But one of the biggest oversights we have is thinking that we need X amount of funds to push ourselves further forward. This means that we aren’t necessarily operating in as much of a creative capacity as we should. Of course, there is an abundance of business finances. From loan to equity crowdfunding and invoice factoring, a lot is out there to help you when you are in a bind. However, you must recognise that financing is not the crutch it appears to be. If you want to be a successful business, it’s more about core values and cultural components. 


Another term that has been spoken of more since the pandemic is collaboration. It was always there before but as teams are being scattered all over the place now, collaboration using the right tools has never been more essential. Ensuring that you collaborate effectively is about having tools that align to your employees’ creative sensibilities. The great tools are always improving, but if you are to increase your business capabilities you’ve got to provide a wide range of methods to guarantee employees can communicate while also putting their thoughts across on a platform that truly facilitates collaboration as if they were in the same room.

CRM Software

If you want to streamline your approach, CRM software is the shortcut to keeping the customer satisfied. Customer Relationship Management software is key to a successful relationship with the customer. And as customer data comes in many different forms, this is where CRM systems can monitor and manage this information. It gives you insight into your customer base, the habits they have, and how you can personalise their journey further. However, this is where many companies rest on their laurels. CRM software puts a lot of information at your fingertips, but the fact is that if you are to use this information effectively, you’ve got to bring a lot more to the table, mainly the human skill that should underpin it all. For example, soft skills can build a bridge between the customer. CRM software is amazing in many ways but we have to know how to use it.

A lot of these tools are in place in many companies, but the solution to developing a business that really has a positive outcome is about using these tools in the right way. Because business tools can be a crutch of sorts, this means that any company starting out feels that as long as they have the right tools it’s plain sailing. These are all amazing tools, as long as you use them correctly.


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