Why do Good Employees Quit? And What Can You Do About It?

words Al Woods

There are not many ways for you to tank a very successful company. That being said, if you have good employees leaving left, right and centre, then you need to do something quick. If you don’t, then you may find that you end up struggling overall and that you are not able to recover. Want to find out more? Take a look below.

Good Employees

Source: Pexels (CC0 License)

Lack of Respect

This may sound like a very simple thing, but one reason why good employees tend to leave is simply because they feel as though they are not respected or trusted. They may feel as though their boss doesn’t care about them or that they have negative feelings that just don’t seem to be going away. Lack of respect is another major issue as well. If you have employees that just aren’t happy then this can work against you in terms of your overall productivity as well and this is the last thing that you need. One example here would be if you have employees who are constantly being micromanaged.  They may feel as though they cannot be trusted to do the duties that they have been hired to do and this again, can work against you. It may be that the employees are not able to do their best work and they may even go and seek a more better working environment. If you want to stop this, then you need to try and be honest and open with your team. You need to try and encourage them to work with you and you also need to ask them questions as well. Your employee happiness may also have a direct impact on your bottom line, so make sure that you do what you can to encourage them where possible.

Get the Funding you Need

Employees getting the minimum wage or even paying them less than what they make when working with other companies is a bad idea. It may well look good on paper but if you pay people less, then this will encourage them to quit. You may even find that it ends up costing your business more in the long run. You may think that the salary you are paying them is fair, but you have to look at industry standards here. If your team members feel as though they are not being paid well, then you need to try and do something about this. If you don’t, then they may seek other opportunities elsewhere and this is the last thing that you need. Even if an employee loves working for your company, you have to remember that a lot of the time, money is key. Therefore, you have to think carefully about how much you are paying, and you also need to try and think about what will happen if they leave. If you have to hire someone else, the cost of this can be astronomical, so be mindful of this if you can.

Bad Company Culture

You may think that company culture is really just a buzzword, but you have to remember that it is so much more than this. It’s actually how your company feel about your business overall. If your employee feels somewhat connected to your business and if they do feel engaged with your operation as opposed to their responsibilities alone, then they may be much more likely to stay with the job that they are in and they may also be more willing to put in their best work. Poor company culture is a problem, and it is the reason why so many good people leave. If you have a bad company culture, then you may find that you do not give your team enough transparency or even that you are not giving your team the tools that they need to get the job done as it should be. Some people have problems with the way layoffs are handled, or if they are handled poorly.  This can impact staff morale and you may even find that people do not respect the company in general. If you want to have a good company culture, then you do not need to tear anything down. You just need to start making sure that your working environment is positive in the way that it impacts your team and the overall way that they are able to learn. It also impacts the way that they work with others too.

Feeling Overworked

Everyone is human at the end of the day. You may feel as though you can only ever give so much. Another reason why so many people quit is because they have far too many responsibilities. They feel overworked and they are simply not able to get everything done. This is when they end up taking work home with them and they simply cannot find ways around it. This can give your team a poor work-life balance and you may also find that you are not able to give them the positive experience they need to feel good about your company. If you run a small business then it is true that your team may have to wear lots of different hats, but you should ultimately be conscious about what they have on their plate, and you also need to be mindful of what workload they have. If you can make sure that your team are not too overwhelmed, then it may be that you meet with them and that you talk with them about their work. You may also want to help them to prioritise their tasks and that you also talk with them when they mention about leaving. If you can do this, then you may be able to stop them in their tracks and you may also be able to help them to work with the issues that they are having. If you want to stop your team from being overworked, getting some good electronic employee scheduling software could be helpful.

Having a Bad Manager

Having a bad manager can easily ruin a job for someone. A lot of good employees leave their job every day because they do not like their boss. They may be happy with the pay that they are getting and they may even love the co-workers that they have, but if they have a bad boss, then you may find that this ruins it for them. If you want to try and do something about this, then you have to make sure that you are giving our managers training. You have to make sure that they have the tools that they need to do their job well and you also need to make sure that they are able to work with employees to the highest possible level.

Additionally, you also have to make sure that when you do hire a manager, that the person is suited to working with people. Sure, you may think that a senior manager who has years of experience seems like the right choice but that doesn’t make them good with people. When appointing your manager, you need someone who is confident working with others, and you also need to make sure that they are approachable as well. If you can do this, then you will soon find that you can give them the support your team need to feel happy in their jobs.

Of course, there are many things that you can do to ensure your employee’s happiness, and if you follow this guide, you will soon find that you can stop your team from thinking badly about your company and this can work in your favour.


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