4 ways you’re messing up your collage – and how to fix it

words Alexa Wang

Add Value to Your Pictures

With smartphones gaining popularity, we are now making thousands of pictures of every event that we are attending these days. But the fact remains that we are not cherishing these pictures as much as we used to do back then when these smartphones and cameras were not easily available.

The only reason for that was that we were busy making memories rather than recording them, and we knew the value of a picture. A picture could speak a thousand words and would take us back in time when we would see it later. At a time when clicking pictures at an event has become a routine job for most of us, we are now finding ways to make these pictures look better so that we are able to cherish the memories that we have made at the event.

One way in which we can do so is to make collages out of the multiple pictures that we click through the mobile phone. Making a collage is not everybody’s piece of cake and therefore, let us take a look at the common mistakes that people make while making a collage.

You can try CanvasPop’s photo collage maker to save yourself all the trouble. All you need to do is just upload the images and the rest will be taken over by CanvasPop. You can get it printed on premium quality canvas and delivery within no time.

your collage

All Pictures Are Not Equally Good

Although a photo collage comprises of many pictures that are arranged together, it should be agreed that each of these pictures should have come out very well only then the entire collage will be worth looking at. Now when we are talking about each picture, then you should have the knowledge about the aesthetics that have to be catered to while clicking a picture.

You should not just focus on the subject but also focus on the surroundings such that they get along with the subject, and a good picture is clicked. So, when you are choosing pictures for a collage, take those pictures in which even the background is complementing the subject.

Similar Pictures

The basic premise of going for a photo collage rather than being satisfied with a single picture is that a photo collage offers variety, and many different kinds of pictures can be accommodated through it.

So, if you choose pictures that are similar in terms of their subject and backgrounds, then the entire photo collage will end up being a big failure.

You should choose photographs wisely so that you are able to show more through the photo collage, and the purpose of having variety in the collage is solved. End of the day, the best pictures are what you want to include in the photo collage, and all of them can’t be similar.

collage tips

Over- Edited Pictures

Thanks to the smartphones that are available with almost everyone today, the editing of pictures is also becoming easier. But the mistake that most people are making these days when they are choosing pictures for making a collage is that they are editing these pictures to an extreme which actually reduces their charm.

Therefore, a piece of advice to all those people who are wanting to create a good-looking photo collage is that you should not add any artificial characters to your pictures and keep them as natural as possible.

Too Many Colors

Colors are what make the pictures come alive and speak a thousand words. The right combination of colors, if present in a photograph, can enhance its beauty by multiple times.

Having said that, when you are choosing pictures to include in a photo collage, then you should keep it in mind that although there should be some amount of color present in the photographs but not a very high number of colors should also be there.

This is because it only adds to the confusion, and the overall look of the collage gets spoiled. You must have heard that too many cooks spoil the broth, and so is the case with colors that are present in these multiple pictures that you are selecting.


In the end, we would just advise that you to go for these attractive collages instead of plain photographs and can even take help from online tools to get the perfect arrangement for your pictures.

But at the same time, you should be careful enough while clicking and selecting these pictures so that they are suitable to include in a collage that can eventually become as attractive as you might want it to be. We hope that you make more of these fond memories and an even greater number of collages.


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